Marketing Emails that Make You Money

Marketing Emails that Make You Money


Get access now to our online class!

Did you know that 55% of companies earn 10% of their revenue from just sending emails? What if you had a 1Million salon and you earned $100,000.000 from just sending emails? It's possible and YOU CAN! How are we so sure?

Every retail brand knows this and does this. Why shouldn't we? We just have to learn what they're doing, and do it ourselves. And that's exactly what we are going to show you.

Kati will teach you:

  • the 2 goals for every email

  • the average open rates among top retailers (15-25%) and the average open rate for Be Inspired Salon (43-51%) MASSIVE =how she does it!

  • what benchmarks you need to track to make sure you're getting an ROI and earning more money!

  • what every email you send should have & NOT have

  • basic pro tips no one has probably ever taught you

  • A TWENTY-SIX page LOOK BOOK with real marketing email examples!!

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